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Friday, September 5, 2014

Guest Seller - Featuring HistoryGal!

History has never been my strong suit, especially memorizing dates, what happened when, to whom, how, why and a thousand other facts that surround a specific event.  However, as a high school teacher, I inevitably get asked History (and English, Science...) questions because students assume we know it all - why else would be teachers right?

HistoryGal on TPT
Given that History was not my strong suit, I was thrilled when another seller on the forums suggested that we pair up with someone who doesn't teach our same content area so that we could not only help each other out but also learn something about another seller too!  I have the pleasure of being paired up with HistoryGal for the next couple of weeks and I have learned so much already!

Her store features a wide variety of topics including the ancient and semi-modern worlds.  Her products are a wide variety of activities, supplements and interactive lessons meant to engage the students and make history relevant instead of just a recitation of facts!
One product that caught my attention immediately (partially because I love the Greek Gods) was her Greek Gods Bundle.  It an amazing product that includes a Greek Gods Scavenger hunt (with or without QR codes), a Bingo Game, Printable Greek Gods and an editable quiz!

It pairs beautifully with her Ancient Greece Activity Bundle that includes  six different activities such as a Television show activity and Pictionary (and what student doesn't love to get up, draw and laugh while doing so?)

Financial Literacy
I would also like to highlight one more of her products before I end this.  She has a fantastic product called "Financial Literacy Unit: Things Students Should Know Before They Graduate"  It is designed for use in an economics or financial literacy class but I can see myself using it in my math classes as well.  How to survive
financially in the world is a skill that all high school needs and one that I don't feel they are being adequately prepared for!  This product really addresses those needs and gives students a financial knowledge foundation to help to get them started down the right path!

I highly encourage you to check out her store!  You will be so glad you did!

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