Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Embracing what you have in your classroom

My classroom is the typical one with cinder block walls, white/chalkboards, window, etc.  I have one exception though - I lack bulletin boards.  For whatever reason, when they put my room together they forgot to put up any bulletin boards.  After many years of trying to secure them, I have decided to embrace what I have instead of wishing for what I don't.

In that vein I have went on a quest to find something that would stick to whiteboard to dress it up without destroying the ability to write on it.  I knew that tape, ticky-tack and other adhesives would not do the trick, I needed something magnetic...and I found it!!!  I found magnetic whiteboard border!  It comes in packages of 12 strips that are 2 feet long each and runs about $10 a package.  A little pricey but since it won't rip, definitely worth it in my opinion.  While I found mine at a local teacher store (Lakeshore Learning) they do not sell borders online, so I did some research and you can purchase them on amazon as well.  Here is one link: Magna Borders

Mounting Tabs
With my "dressing up my whiteboards" problem solved, I turned my attention to how I can get anything to stay on my painted cinderblock walls.  I have all of these great Geometry posters that I have made but need a way to not have to rehang them every Monday morning. After trying it all - tacky-tape, duct tape, double sided tape, hot glue - I finally found something that not only works, but also doesn't hurt the posters and is completely removable!  They are called "Removable Mounting Tabs". They stick to the wall, they stick to the poster but do not harm either and remove easily.  Again I found them at the local teacher store (click on the picture to be taken to them online) for a reasonable price!

Sometimes teaching is about pushing for more, especially with our students and their learning potential, but sometimes it is about taking what you have and making it look amazing!  That is what I have chosen to do!  :)


  1. I can really relate. I have checked out the border and it's exactly what I am looking for.

  2. Yeah! So happy to hear that I was able to help you find what you were looking for! :)
